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The Research Fund on Insurance Matters Affiliated with the Israel Insurance Association (RA)

Guidelines for submission of research proposals to the Research Fund (the “Fund”)





Please note that as a general rule, an application for financial support from the Fund may be submitted for research projects into compulsory motor insurance only.


  1. Applicant – The researcher, stating the institution within the framework of which he works (not an entity on his behalf).

  2. Research subject – The subject is required to be on matters relating to compulsory motor insurance, road accidents or dealing with road accident victims, including matters affecting compensation under the Road Accident Victims Compensation Law (“RAVC”), and connected with the special nature of this field of insurance, including: subjects relating to the relief or alleviation of physical injury in road accidents, including the treatment and  the methods of treating road accident victims; subjects relating to reducing the number of road accidents, from various aspects: driver behavior, pedestrian behavior, the state of the roads and their surroundings, vehicles (including safety and the possibility of “escape” from an accident situation), statistical studies regarding the parameters relating to road accidents; comparative research regarding methods for providing cover, including approaches to the issue of liability in the event of a road accident (the principle of absolute liability, the negligence principle) as well as subjects relating to the scope of cover in compulsory insurance.

  3. The research is required to be of a scientific and detailed nature in areas such as: medicine, transport and vehicle safety, behavioral sciences, law, statistics, actuarial and economics.

  4. It is a basic assumption that the research is to benefit the public and is not for the purpose of deriving any profit.


Due to the fact that the aforementioned criteria are mandatory, researchers are requested not to submit research subjects which do not comply with these criteria. The Fund takes into consideration customary factors, such as: the researcher’s qualifications, reputation and academic rank; membership of a medical or government institution; the practicability of the proposed research and the degree of its anticipated benefit; the feasibility of the research both from the point of view of its scientific basis and of its cost, taking into account the scope, timetable and inherent innovativeness of the research.



Receipt of financial support is subject to approval by the Fund’s management, at its sole discretion and to the signing of a detailed agreement.


Research proposals are to be submitted to the Research Fund coordinator, Ms. Hedva Vanunu, by e-mail Ms. Vanunu can also be contacted for advice/ guidance /clarifications etc.




Research Proposal

Submitted to


The Research Fund on Insurance Matters

Affiliated with the Israel Insurance Association (RA)




Study title: The name and description of the study for which support is being requested.

Researcher: The name and the title of the person/organization, who will be carrying out the research, including professional background and previous experience.



Background and purpose


Study background: Description of the subject, circumstances and issues forming the background of the research; the connection to the subject of road accident victims.

Research objectives: The intention in carrying out the research, the questions/ issues to be answered by the research.

Value of the research: Definition of the anticipated benefits to the public/the economy/the insurance sector.

Research Output: The reporting/implementation deriving from the research, according to its stages.




The formulation of the research: Description of the mode of conducting the research, researchers, the research subjects, general explanation of the methods and stages.

Research methods: Details of the professional methods and calculations to be used in the research.

Stages: Details of research stages and timetables.

Means: The physical means and human resources required for the research.

Costs: Details of the research costs by its stages and timetable.



Request made of the Research Fund


Participation in costs: The level of financial participation requested from the Research Fund in accordance with the timetable of the research.





Additional relevant details, such as: Bibliography, details of previous studies, professional experience, extended background, calculations etc.


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